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Wednesday 29 August 2012

How Airplanes Work

Human flight has become a tired fact of modern life. At any given moment, roughly 5,000 airplanes crisscross the skies above the United States alone, amounting to an estimated 64 million commercial and private takeoffs every year.Consider the rest of the world's flight activity, and the grand total is incalculable.
It is easy to take the physics of flight for granted, as well as the ways in which we exploit them to achieve flight. We often glimpse a plane in the sky with no greater understanding of the principles involved than a caveman.
How do these heavy machines take to the air? To answer that question, we have to enter the world of fluid mechanics.
Physicists classify both liquids and gases as fluids, based on how they flow. Even though air, water and pancake syrup may seem like very different substances, they all conform to the same set of mathematical relationships. In fact, basic aerodynamic tests are sometimes performed underwater. To put it simply, a salmon essentially flies through the sea, and a pelican swims through the air.
The core of the matter is this: Even a clear sky isn't empty. Our atmosphere is a massive fluid layer, and the right application of physics makes it possible for humans to traverse it.

how much fuel will aeroplane use per second...???

A plane like a Boeing 747 uses approximately 1 gallon of fuel (about 4 liters) every second. Over the course of a 10-hour flight, it might burn 36,000 gallons (150,000 liters). According to Boeing's Web site, the 747 burns approximately 5 gallons of fuel per mile (12 liters per kilometer).
This sounds like a tremendously poor miles-per-gallon rating! But consider that a 747 can carry as many as 568 people. Let's call it 500 people to take into account the fact that not all seats on most flights are occupied. A 747 is transporting 500 people 1 mile using 5 gallons of fuel. That means the plane is burning 0.01 gallons per person per mile. In other words, the plane is getting 100 miles per gallon per person! The typical car gets about 25 miles per gallon, so the 747 is much better than a car carrying one person, and compares favorably even if there are four people in the car. Not bad when you consider that the 747 is flying at 550 miles per hour (900 km/h)!

Flying Aircraft on Ethanol

refillig fuel(aviation fuel)

Ethanol has been available for nearly a century. But we are now finding ways to use it for more things and to help us on our reliance on foreign oil. Baylor University has done numerous tests on ethanol in acrobatic general aviation aircraft as well as passenger high and low performance aircraft.
The Bellanca Decathlon a symmetrical winged Citabria for aerobatics was tested with 100% hydrous ethanol, which was gotten from an M & M Mars Candy Manufacturing plant. Ethanol was thought to be dangerous when it was 10-15% mixed with water due to the condensation aspects of water in aircraft engines another good reason for preflight inspections.
It was found that with a 100% hydrous ethanol there was no decrease in performance and to the contrary a slight increase in less knocking under demand for power. When put into a Pitts Special S1S where the compression ratios were 10:1 the ethanol had a higher performance when temperatures were over 100 degrees. The 50/50 blended fuel had a decrease slightly of up to 15-20%. But did comparable under hotter temperatures of air intake or ambient air. Eleven aircraft were tested at Baylor University the larger the engines the better the ethanol did.
Ethanol also increased the TBO, total time to recommended or predicted overhaul by 50% meaning less wear on the engine, probably due to less knock. The FAA certified the IO-540 a very popular general aviation engine in March of 1990. So much of this is nothing new. The FAA even stating that it exceeded the tests. Aviation fuel is the last fuel available with lead in it. This has taken some 22 years to develop and now it appears aircraft with piston engines can use ethanol and perform better in many instances. This is especially good for those states, which grow corn such as Nebraska, ND, SD, Iowa and others.
The push for this type of fuel is coming predominantly from the areas in the US where corn grows which elevates the price of corn for farmers. Corn, a commodity can also be used to eat obviously and of course like oil can be used to make plastics and other important materials for a myriad of uses. Next time you think of corn, think of more than just food. The Navajo Indians made it into food by pounding the crap out of it, they were on to something there. Corn is a big deal to many states where it can be grown in abundance.
It appears that if ethanol provides better performance in hotter climates then perhaps we may wish to sell ethanol for aircraft in those markets unless the pilots will fly much above 12,000 feet where the air is cooler. The average of 2 degrees per thousand feet decrease in ambient temperature, flying over mountains could be an issue. But these are most interesting facts for military vehicles in the middle east, cars in hot climates and of course for aviation also.
If you have any ideas on alternative fuel for aircraft please let's explore and discuss these issues.

9 Simple Tips on How to Prevent Pimples

Pimples are quite a common problem especially with teenagers and most of us experience it at. Pimples make us conscious reducing the confidence level. Actual cause of having pimples is still not very clear but we believe that hormonal change happening in our body during adolescence and stress may lead to it. If you are looking for tips on how to prevent pimples, you may find following tips quite helpful:
• Honey has lots of curing as well as cleansing properties. Open pores in face by applying warm water or mild steam and then apply honey. Wait for few minutes before washing it first using warm water. Cold water can then be splashed on face to close open pores.
• Wash your face at least twice a day (first time in morning and second before moving to bed). Wash more often in summers to prevent oils from getting accumulated and keep face clean. Remember to splash warm water before applying soap as that opens the pores in skin allowing deep penetration of skin by soap. People with oily skin must use water-based soap. Don't use body soaps on face as that may clog pores causing acne pimples. Soap must be rinsed off using cold water so that pores are closed.
• Tone - People generally do not give toning any importance and it is often left out. Do tone your skin after cleansing as it clears face of any leftover cleanser. If residue is left on face, that clogs the pores resulting in acne. Toner can be easily applied by soaking a cotton ball in it and running over face.
• Put little moisturizer on hands and apply on face till it gets absorbed. People with oily skin must use an oil-free and light moisturizer. People with dry skin must use extra moisturizing creams.
• Add fresh fruits, vegetables in diet and take vitamin, chromium, zinc supplements.
• Teenagers must not wear heavy makeup on faces. If you have to, use water based products avoiding oil-based products.
• Drink at least 10 glasses of water in a day. Water is a best cleanser as it helps flushing out toxins of the body.
• Do not use oily products like pomades or hair spray on your hair.
• Do not pluck out pimple with bare hand as that may leave permanent spot on skin

Excessive Underarm Sweating - 10 Effective Tips to Get Rid of Too Much Sweat

If you happen to be one of those 3 million people documented to be affected with the condition of hyperhydrosis or excessive sweating, then you must definitely be asking yourself about the possible and available ways of stopping excessive underarm sweating. Do not worry; there are countless available techniques and ways of treating this embarrassing condition of perspiring too much. All you need to do is research for the available resources online such as reviews, feedback, ratings and testimonials of such users who have once had excessive sweating and has used some strategies to successfully eliminate it. Here are just a few of the things you need to start doing to get out of such an embarrassing condition.
1. You may also consider using the natural ways of eliminating excessive sweating in your body such as boiling some sage tea leaves and use the water to wash up, or use other natural products like catnip, turnip juice, lemon balm, and chamomile among others.
2. Study which antiperspirant is known to be very effective in eliminating the condition of hyperhidrosis or excessive underarm sweating. If ever your chosen antiperspirant does not seem to work, try a similar product and if it still does not work, you may try shifting to use of oral medications instead.
3. Also, stop taking on any products that contain caffeine as you will only aggravate your condition of excessive sweating in the armpits. In the same manner that you must do away with certain vices like smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages as they are proven to greatly stimulate excessive sweating.
4. Likewise, make sure you do away with eating canned or processed foods. Instead add more vegetables and fresh fruits to your regular diet. That way, you are able to keep a healthy diet to help you stop perspiring too much.
5. Start taking yoga classes to reduce your levels of anxiety, if not to totally eliminate them. It has been proven that negative emotions such as anxiety and stress can actually trigger a person to excessively sweat.
6. What is more, you have to increase your fluids intake. Make it a point that you are able to drink lots of water, at least about 8 glasses each day to help reduce the hyperactivity of your sweat glands.
7. Keep good hygiene habits. These will have to include taking regular cold showers to refresh you. You may also try washing your armpits with baking soda mixed with some essential oils to deodorize naturally and absorb the excess moisture in your underarms.
8. Make sure you change your clothes often, as in literally every now and then. Doing so, you are able to prevent bacteria from multiplying in your clothes that could eventually trigger a stench in your armpits, or body in general.
9. Also, ensure regular shaving of the armpits, especially when exposed to extreme weather conditions such as high levels of humidity and dryness. That will assure you that you will be able to prevent your underarm from excessively sweating.
10. Lastly, consult your doctor to diagnose your condition. There may be underlying factors that could be causing your excessive underarm sweating.

How to Stop Sweating So Much - Easy Ways to Stop Yourself From Sweating Excessively

too much sweat
Are you the type who would perspire with just little movement? Do you see outlines of sweat in your shirt just hours before you've left home for office? Isn't it just downright annoying especially if you have to meet up with clients and present your report?
It is. When God invented sweating, he didn't mean for people to get awkward in social situations. He must have thought it was completely for the body to release toxins. But somehow somewhere along the way this function got distorted and now you see people sweating abnormally even when they don't intend to. Somehow, this sweating business has got to stop.
So how to stop sweating so much? Well, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out the answers. Over the years, people have come up with various ways on how to treat this condition. It's more than just one solution, actually. It takes complete discipline to carry out routines that would all work together to suppress your body's natural sweat machine.
Make sure your condition is not a symptom of a more serious disease. Go check with your doctor to run some tests to ascertain the causes. Obesity and thyroid infection can cause excessive sweating. If you're a little heavy on the scale, exert some effort to slash down a significant portion of your weight. Obese people suffer from heavy sweating because their chemical processes work double than what it should be.
Antiperspirants can do a great job on how to stop sweating so much. The next time you shop around, don't forget to stash a small bottle of antiperspirant in your pushcart. Select a product containing aluminum chloride. It always is the best kind.
Drink at least a cup of tea that prevents sweating. There are several teas of that kind floating around, and you only have to ask to know which brand is most effective. Green tea is best known for its anti-sweating properties, as well as its effectiveness when it comes to reducing unlikely odors caused by your sweat.
Put a swab of alcohol on your underarms. It is a great sweat suppressant because it somehow closes up your pores so that it can't release too much sweat at once. To avoid smelling like an alcohol junkie, put on some nice-smelling deodorant on top of the alcohol.
Always be in control of your emotions. It is often easy to get carried away when you're a little upset, or you're too nervous about something. You must learn how to relax and put your feelings in place. Practice deep breathing and channel your thoughts to pleasant things. Instead of getting too irritated over how hot and humid the weather is, try imagining you're in some cooler place like Alaska and you will soon discover your body feeling a lot less uncomfortable.

6 Tips To Help You Stop Sweating Too Much

too much sweat

Loads of people dread the hotter weather simply because it turns us into large sweat-making machines. However on those sweltering days you'll be glad that you do have those sweat glands as they help cool down our bodies.
The problem is that for some the benefits of sweating are lost when the sweat takes on a foul odor. Also some people produce so much sweat it can make them look as if they've just been to a wet t-shirt contest. So what should you do in these circumstances?
When is Sweating Bad?
We need to sweat in order to cool down, think of it as our own built-in cooling system. As our temperature rises, pores open and our sweat glands kick into action. This is a good thing and is what our bodies are supposed to do. This way we can stay at the optimal body temperature.
So, when is sweating a bad thing? If it's below freezing and you feel like you're trekking across the Sahara Desert or you feel like you're drowning in your own sweat. Another thing to look out for is crystals forming in your sweat.
Also be on the watch from odor. Sweat shouldn't smell bad, it should only be quite faint and pleasant. If you smell so bad that even a vampire would run, then check with your doctor. These problems are signals that your body isn't functioning correctly so you'll want to find out what's causing it.
Although we tend to think of profuse sweating as "just one of those things", it can actually be a signal of an over active thyroid, heart disease or even TB. You will obviously want these conditions looked at.
Ways to Control Over-active Sweat Glands
If you sweat a lot but don't have any of the above symptoms, or if you've been to the doctor and have been told you're perfectly healthy, here are a few tips you can try.
1. Have a bath or shower every day and keep away from strongly scented soaps and cleansers.
2. Once you have cleaned yourself make sure you dry off thoroughly. Bad odor is caused bacteria and bacteria love moist and warm conditions.
3. Wear natural materials such as cotton rather then synthetic. Cotton helps pull moisture from your skin.
4. Use cotton sheets on your bed if you overheat at night. Also, try turning down your furnace when you go to sleep.
5. Put on an antiperspirant daily. Ideally one with tea tree or witch hazel as these are both naturally antiseptic.
#6 RELAX! Stress can trigger the sweat glands to start working in over time.
Always remember that sweating is totally normal and is required to keep at the correct temperature. It is also one way to get rid of toxins from the body. With over 3 million sweat glands, it is impossible to stop it from happening but by doing a few things like the ones listed above, it will no longer be an unbearable situation.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Visiting New York? Don't Miss the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

The Statue of Liberty is one of the New York City Attractions you should definitely visit if you are planning a trip to the Big Apple.
This infamous monument - which is actually entitled: Liberty Enchanting the World - was a gift to the people of the United States from France in 1886. The copper-clad maiden was dedicated on October 28, 1886 to commemorate the centenary of the Declaration of Independence.
Standing 305ft above Liberty Island the Statue of Liberty welcomes visitors, immigrants and returning Americans.
The statue depicts a robed woman holding aloft a flaming torch; her robes are made from pure copper and her torch flame gold leaf.
From its dedication in 1886 until 1902 the Statue of Liberty acted as a lighthouse over the New York Harbor - today it no longer serves such a purpose, but as one of New York's most recognisable landmarks it attracts numerous tourists.
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Following the restoration in the 1980's the Main Building opened as the Ellis Island Immigration Museum - in memory of America's immigrant heritage. Museum exhibits tell the story of Ellis Island's role in immigration history as well as giving a voice to the immigrants themselves. Each unique story conveys the courage and determination behind a decision to leave home and seek opportunities in a foreign land.
The exhibits include photographs, prints, videos and interactive displays as well as museum objects. The largest exhibit is the building itself, a French Renaissance Revival structure which was designed by Boring and Tilton and restored to its 1918-1924 appearance.
The Statue of Liberty
Further exhibits can be found inside the base of the Statue herself. The Statue of Liberty exhibit traces the history and the symbolism of the statue through photographs and artifacts. The Torch exhibit includes the original 1886 flame and on the inner wall of the pedestal, visitors can see Emma Lazarus' famous sonnet - the New Colossus.
Getting there
The Statue of Liberty and the Ellis Island Immigration Museum are just a short ferry ride away from Battery Park.
Ferry boats depart daily from 9am through 3.30pm.

why and where cyclone will occurs..?

What is a Cyclone?

Cyclones are huge revolving storms caused by winds blowing around a central area of low atmospheric pressure. In the northern hemisphere, cyclones are called hurricanes or typhoons and their winds blow in an anti-clockwise circle. In the southern hemisphere, these tropical storms are known as cyclones, whose winds blow in a clockwise circle.

How do Cyclones occur?

Cyclones develop over warm seas near the Equator. Air heated by the sun rises very swiftly, which creates areas of very low pressure. As the warm air rises, it becomes loaded with moisture which condenses into massive thunderclouds. Cool air rushes in to fill the void that is left, but because of the constant turning of the Earth on its axis, the air is bent inwards and then spirals upwards with great force. The swirling winds rotate faster and faster, forming a huge circle which can be up to 2,000 km across. At the centre of the storm is a calm, cloudless area called the eye, where there is no rain, and the winds are fairly light.

As the cyclone builds up it begins to move. It is sustained by a steady flow of warm, moist air. The strongest winds and heaviest rains are found in the towering clouds which merge into a wall about 20-30 km from the storm's centre. Winds around the eye can reach speeds of up to 200 km/h, and a fully developed cyclone pumps out about two million tonnes of air per second. This results in more rain being released in a day than falls in a year in a city like London.

When and where do Cyclones occur?

Cyclones begin in tropical regions, such as northern Australia, South-East Asia and many Pacific islands. They sometimes drift into the temperate coastal areas, threatening more heavily populated regions to the South. Northern Australia has about four or five tropical cyclones every year during the summertime wet season. For a cyclone to develop, the sea surface must have a temperature of at least 26ºC.

Why do Cyclones occur?

When warm air rises from the seas and condenses into clouds, massive amounts of heat are released. The result of this mixture of heat and moisture is often a collection of thunderstorms, from which a tropical storm can develop.

The trigger for most Atlantic hurricanes is an easterly wave, a band of low pressure moving westwards, which may have begun as an African thunderstorm. Vigorous thunderstorms and high winds combine to create a cluster of thunderstorms which can become the seedling for a tropical storm.

Typhoons in the Far East and Cyclones in the Indian Ocean often develop from a thunderstorm in the equatorial trough. During the hurricane season, the Coriolis effect of the Earth's rotation starts the winds in the thunderstorm spinning in a circular motion.

Cyclone Danger

Cyclones create several dangers for people living around tropical areas. The most destructive force of a cyclone comes from the fierce winds. These winds are strong enough to easily topple fences, sheds, trees, power poles and caravans, while hurling helpless people through the air. Many people are killed when the cyclone's winds cause buildings to collapse and houses to completely blow away.

A cyclone typically churns up the sea, causing giant waves and surges of water known as storm surges. The water of a storm surge rushes inland with deadly power, flooding low-lying coastal areas. The rains from cyclones are also heavy enough to cause serious flooding, especially along river areas.

Storm surge damage

Long after a cyclone has passed, road and rail transport can still be blocked by floodwaters. Safe lighting of homes and proper refrigeration of food may be impossible because of failing power supplies. Water often becomes contaminated from dead animals or rotting food, and people are threatened with diseases like gastroenteritis.

Why Mosquito Control is Important

I've had mosquitoes ruin a few camping trips and make a beautiful summer evening outdoors a hassle. But aside from being an annoyance, I know they are also a danger because they can carry diseases.
While malaria and yellow fever have been virtually eliminated in the U.S., thanks to widespread public health efforts, viral encephalitides is still a threat. Encephalitis, which means inflammation of the brain, is caused by a number of bacterial and viral infections and can be transmitted by mosquitoes. Those mosquito-borne strains include Eastern Equine, LaCrosse, St. Louis, and West Nile. The latter has received the most attention lately. In addition to the threat disease-carrying mosquitoes pose to humans, they can also cause canine heartworm.
Keeping you and your family safe from the dangers mosquitoes bring is essential. There are several types of mosquito control you can use to protect your family from the dangers of mosquitoes. Some are more effective than others.
Repellents: Common Mosquito Control
Repellents, including aerosols, creams, sticks, sprays and liquids, can be applied to the skin and clothing.
The most effective repellents that can be applied to bare skin contain DEET. While these repellents do not kill mosquitoes, they can deter them from biting. Depending on the amount of DEET in the product, they can be an effective form of mosquito control from 90 minutes to 10 hours.
Products containing Permanone can be used on clothes, shoes, bed nets and camping gear, but should never be used on skin. While DEET products deter mosquitoes from biting, Permanone kills mosquitoes and ticks. This type of repellent can generally last up to 6 hours. Even after materials treated with Permanone have been washed, the chemical can remain.
Many prefer not to use DEET and Permanone because they are chemicals. There are mosquito repellents available that do not contain these harsh chemicals, and typically they contain oil of citronella. While they provide some relief, they are not as effective as DEET or Permanone. Others claim dryer sheets can be used as a form of mosquito control when tied to clothing.
Directions should always be followed when using repellents. They should never be used on your kids' hands. And as soon as you're indoors again, treated skin should always be washed with soap and water.
Controlling Mosquitoes by Eliminating Breeding Sites
Eliminating breeding sites is one of the best forms of mosquito control, but can be costly and difficult for the average homeowner to do. Mosquitoes travel up to several miles, which means breeding areas may be several miles away from where the problem is being experienced.
Taking steps as a community is the most effective way to control mosquitoes. Ensure standing water, from neglected birdbaths and swimming pools to clogged rain gutters, are eliminated.
Larger areas of standing water, such as swamps, ditches, and slow-moving streams, require community resources to eliminate.
Mosquito Control Traps
There are products available that claim to attract, repel or kill mosquitoes.
Electrocuting devices, which are commonly referred to as "bug zappers," use ultraviolet light as an attractant. These have proven to be highly ineffective at mosquito control. Only a tiny percentage of bugs captured by these traps are in fact mosquitoes. Moths, beetles, and other non-biting and harmless insects are the majority of insects captured by these bug zappers.
Other devices emanate ultrasonic high-frequency sound waves. They claim to repel pests, including mosquitoes. These have been proven to be ineffective forms of insect and mosquito control. Consumer protection agencies have cracked down on these companies that advertise unsubstantiated claims about their devices. However, new companies are always emerging hoping to sell these ineffective mosquito control devices.
There are mosquito traps available that have proven to be highly effective at disrupting the mosquito breeding cycle, thereby virtually eliminating the danger and annoyance of mosquitoes in your yard for an entire season, without exposing your family to harsh chemicals.
The most effective mosquito traps release a continuous stream of carbon dioxide, combined with an attractant, to lure mosquitoes. Once near the trap, the mosquitoes are vacuumed into a net where they dehydrate and die. These traps run continuously for the best results. Some of the more advanced models automatically power down and restart the trap based on 50 degrees, the temperature at which mosquito breeding usually starts.
While these mosquito traps cost more than repellents, their success in protecting your family for an entire season from the dangers mosquitoes bring prove to be a positive return on investment.
seo,justin,how to

Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

There are few things in the world that are more annoying than a persistently buzzing mosquito, always just out of reach until it swoops in and bites you when you're not looking. When a mosquito bites, it injects saliva containing an anticoagulant that prevents your blood from clotting. The itchy red swelling that results is caused by an allergic reaction to the mosquito's saliva. While for many of us this is just an annoyance, mosquitoes in some parts of the world carry malaria, West Nile virus, dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis, and other serious diseases. Even in safer parts of the world, many people have stronger allergic reactions, producing itchy welts. Often, mosquitoes hone in on certain individuals, leaving others entirely alone.
In any event, there are many ways to avoid bites in the first place. Mosquitoes routinely swarm at dusk; sometimes, they appear in the thousands just as the sun is going down, then disappear after 30 minutes. Especially if you are allergic or seem to attract mosquitoes, stay in a screened porch. Or, apply an insect repellent; most repellents can be used quite safely. DEET, for instance, is the active ingredient in many repellents; it keeps away an array of biting insects including mosquitoes, gnats, midges, and sand flies. Another common repellent is citronella oil, obtained by the steam distillation of freshly cut grasses. You can rub this onto your exposed skin as a lotion, or apply as a spray.
There are various devices that keep mosquitoes at bay. Insect repellent wristbands can be worn around the wrists or ankles; these release a fine repellent vapor such as DEET, forming a protective barrier around your body. Because no liquid chemicals are directly absorbed by your skin, there is little danger of skin irritation or damage to clothing. Likewise, plug-in mosquito killers gradually release insecticide vapors into the air, keeping bugs away. Because plug-ins work so gradually, they are appropriate for use indoors and can be left on overnight in your bedroom. Mosquito coils, on the other hand, are more obtrusive; these coils are set up on small metal stands or glass bottles and, when lit, release smoke that repels mosquitoes. Each coil burns for about 8 hours; coils are appropriate for use outdoors. If you want to light one inside, be sure the room has adequate ventilation.
If you've already been bitten and have an itchy welt, there are various household products that can help relieve your discomfort. Many people use salt: moisten the area around the bite and rub in some table salt. The itchiness should disappear immediately. You can also rub apple cider vinegar into a bite. Strangely, toothpaste is another common product that quickly alleviates your itching; for some reason, peppermint-flavored toothpaste works the best.
You can make a paste with baking soda and apply that to your bite, leaving it on for about 15 minutes. Mix baking soda with water until you have a paste-like substance, and apply directly to your bite. Or, mix baking soda with witch-hazel. Two other products that you can purchase that will relieve your itching are calamine lotion (commonly used for poison ivy) and aloe gel.
Some people find that a mixture of 1 part water, 1 part garlic salt, and 1 part seasoning salt is effective in controlling itchiness. This potent mixture will burn for about 5 seconds, and then your bite will feel much better. Other people find that simply rubbing their own saliva into the bite will relieve the discomfort.
If you have a persistent itch that won't stop and you can't prevent yourself from constantly scratching, you are at risk of infection. If the itching is really unbearable, cut a lemon in half and "scratch" the bite with the soft, pulpy side of the lemon; this is better than using your fingernails, which will tear at the bite and eventually cause infection.
There is little we can do to avoid coming into contact with mosquitoes, but there are many products to help prevent bites, and dozens of remedies that will bring relief if we've already been bitten.

how to Keep Insects Out of Your Yard and Home For Good by using natural repellents....?

In many parts of the world, mosquito season is a terrible part of the year that makes it difficult just to step outside your front door. They always seem to find their way into your house and you end up waking up with mosquito bites all over your body. Not only is the thought of an insect drawing blood from you in your sleep repulsive, many individuals suffer from allergic reactions caused by mosquito bites and sometimes even contract a severe disease from the bug. There are dozens of different mosquito repellents on the market, but many of these can cause more harm to your plants than the mosquitoes themselves, and others still fail to even keep the mosquitoes away. If you need to find a solution that actually works, continue reading for an easy-to-understand guide to purchasing mosquito repellent.
Different mosquito repellents do very different things: some kill mosquitoes on contact; others try to mask the smell of carbon dioxide that mosquitoes use to find humans and animals so that they will move on by themselves. You obviously don't have enough time to chase mosquitoes around all day with a spray bottle, so you are definitely going to want to go for something that can be sprayed to keep them away from your front porch and house entirely. These insects are initially attracted to the grass, plants or flowers in your lawn, so the most realistic approach towards truly repelling mosquitoes far, far away from your house is to focus on keeping them away from your lawn. At the same time, you really don't want to spray something that will leave all of the greenery withered as this will eventually attract even more undesirable bugs and insects and just looks undesirable. Using an organic mosquito repellent or spray that specifically focuses on making your front lawn an undesirable location for mosquitoes to linger and breed without harming the other plants, animals or even people in the area is your best bet every time.
Using strong insecticides on your front yard can be a very dangerous decision to make. These chemicals can harm you, your animals and your children, and they will also leave any plants or grass you had in a terribly unhealthy state if not dead. Mosquito Barrier offers an amazing organic repellent for mosquitoes that uses a garlic-based liquid that keeps these insects away from your yard for about a month with 1 spray, and it doesn't have any harmful side-effects or chemicals at all - just a powerful garlic extract and a few food-grade preservatives.
The garlic found in this organic mosquito repellent is extremely strong and potentially deadly to mosquitoes if it were to make contact with their soft outer bodies, but you aren't going to have hundreds of dead mosquitoes all over your yard when you use this stuff. Mosquitoes naturally shy away from garlic, and their sensitive sense of smell allows them to still sense the garlic for months later. You might be thinking that your whole house is going to smell like garlic, but the smell becomes untraceable to the human nose after just a few minutes.
Using natural mosquito repellent is the safest way to keep bothersome insects out of your yard, and the need for an organic method becomes even more important when you are dealing with your garden or even a small farm. If you are tired of looking for a mosquito spray that actually works, the above mentioned is guaranteed to keep your yard, garden and home mosquito free for the whole season.

Monday 27 August 2012

About outer Space

Outer Space is comprised of the relatively empty regions of the universe out side the atmospheres of the celestial bodies (for instance, Earth, or the other planets in our solar system). Outer space is used to distinguish from airspace and terrestrial locations, it is not completely empty but contains low density particles as well as dark energy and dark matter.
Space is the closest form to a perfect vacuum that has been found. It has no friction, which allows all of the celestial objects within it to move along at whichever gravitational trajectory it is a part of.
The Celestial objects keep their atmospheres by adhering to their gravitational attraction. Every gravitational field has a different density. For instant, the Earth's atmospheric gas simply decreases with distance from the object. The Earth's atmospheric pressure drops to about 1 Pa (10-3 Torr) at 100 km of altitude, which is a common definition of boundary in the outer space. The observable universe is filled with photons which are the cosmic background radiation which has an equally correspondingly number of neutrinos.
The atmospheric density within outer space produces drag on satellites. Most artificial satellites stay in low Earth orbit to deal with this drag, and fire their engines every few days to maintain orbit. Planets are too massive to be affected by the drag of the Solar System.
A human exposed to the vacuum of space would not die from exposure, but would rather quickly asphyxiate due to the intense pressure and lack of air in outer space. Once the deoxygenated blood reached the brain, death would quickly follow. Cold or oxygen rich atmospheres can survive at as long as the oxygen density is similar to that of a standard-sea level atmosphere.

Why does the moon appear white?

The Moon's surface is covered by pulverized rock called regolith. This regolith has two primary compositions depending on the underlying rocks. In the dark areas, the regolith is pulverized basalt, a very dark rock. In the light areas, the regolith is pulverized anorthosite, a generally light colored rock. This is why the lighter areas apear white.

(The surface rocks have been pulverized by the nearly continuous bombardment of micrometeorites (among other sized objects) over the past 3.5 to 4 billion years.)

The sun's light at night reflects off the moon and on the the Earth. The moon is, in this aspect, like a dim mirror, allowing us to see some of the light from the sun that has bounced off of the moon. As shown in this picture,you can see the rest of the circle as a much darker colour. This is called "Earthshine", because it is light reflecting off of the moon, onto the Earth and back again.
earth shine

The moon is the brightest object in the night sky but gives off no light of its own. Instead, it reflects light from the sun. This is why it appears white. However, there is more to this!
A person on Earth looking at the moon with the unaided eye can see light and dark areas on the lunar surface. The light areas are rugged, cratered highlands known as terrae (TEHR ee). The word terrae is Latin for lands. The highlands are the original crust of the moon, shattered and fragmented by the impact of meteoroids, asteroids, and comets. Many craters in the terrae exceed 25 miles (40 kilometers) in diameter. The largest is the South Pole-Aitken Basin, which is 1,550 miles (2,500 kilometers) in diameter.
The dark areas on the moon are known as maria (MAHR ee uh). The word maria is Latin for seas; its singular is mare (MAHR ee). The term comes from the smoothness of the dark areas and their resemblance to bodies of water. The maria are cratered landscapes that were partly flooded by lava when volcanoes erupted. The lava then froze, forming rock. Since that time, meteoroid impacts have created craters in the maria.

why does the moon appear white?

The Moon's surface is covered by pulverized rock called regolith. This regolith has two primary compositions depending on the underlying rocks. In the dark areas, the regolith is pulverized basalt, a very dark rock. In the light areas, the regolith is pulverized anorthosite, a generally light colored rock. This is why the lighter areas apear white.

(The surface rocks have been pulverized by the nearly continuous bombardment of micrometeorites (among other sized objects) over the past 3.5 to 4 billion years.)
The sun's light at night reflects off the moon and on the the Earth. The moon is, in this aspect, like a dim mirror, allowing us to see some of the light from the sun that has bounced off of the moon. As shown in this picture,you can see the rest of the circle as a much darker colour. This is called "Earthshine", because it is light reflecting off of the moon, onto the Earth and back again.

This is called "Earthshine", because it is light reflecting off of the moon, onto the Earth and back again

Will the Sun Ever Burn Out?

A close-up of one active region on the sun, seen in profile in extreme ultraviolet light, produced an interesting display of dynamic and frenetic sputtering over three days (Aug. 28-30, 2011). 

Yes, the sun will eventually burn out. But not for a long, long time.
The sun has used up about half of its hydrogen fuel in the last 4.6 billion years, since its birth. It still has enough hydrogen to last about another 5 billion years. The temperature of the sun’s surface is about 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit (5,726 degrees Celsius).
The sun burns using a nuclear fusion process, combining hydrogen into helium. When the sun runs out of hydrogen, it will fuse helium and other heavier elements until it runs out of fuel.

The Full Moon and Your Emotions

full moon in 2012-saturday

The Moon and its Movement
The moon circles the Earth and it takes him around 27.321661 days. In the mean time the Earth is on its course around the Sun. Therefore the Moon needs to catch up with the Earth. Luckily for her, gravity plays its role and she does not have a choice. It takes her a little longer to catch up withe Earth and return to the position it was around the new moon. This takes 29.5305882 days. The Sun is also moving and thus the Earth and Moon need to hurry after him, but that is not part of this article.
The Full Moon
Since the Moon circles the Earth we can see her face as the Sun reflects on her surface. Because of her own axis rotation, we always see only one side of her, but the way the sunlight reflects from her makes her appearance different. Lets just say some days she has more light on her face than other days. In her eastward motion around the Earth she goes from dark black, to full white. We call this process her phases. During the full moon we can see more of the moon, but the appearance does not change the gravitational pull of the moon. If the full moon does affect a person it must then be the reflected light and nothing else. This is hard to believe.
Can we see the Moon everyday?
Mostly we can but for a few days she lies in the glare of the sun and we can not see her until she shows herself as a new moon.
Does the Full Moon affect me and my emotions?
Though many believe it does, there seems to be no reason why it should affect you and not your neighbor. At 380 to 450 000 kilometers away, the mathematics does not make sense. But what the gravity pull on me as I am filled with water? The moon has a dramatic effect on the eb and flow of the tides does it not?
Yes it does, but you ask me about the full moon right? So I anticipate you talk about the illuminated white face of the moon as seen through the trees on a full moon. A somewhat scary but also a romantic picture. Depending on where and with who you are. What you should know is that the gravitational pull of the moon not only creates a bulge on the side of the earth facing the moon, but also on the opposite side.
And what does this mean?
You tell me. It means that the full moon should thus effect your emotions in the day time around twelve hours later as well. I never heard somebody wanting to howl like a wolf in the middle of the day?
To end I do not think you will feel an emotional difference between the full and new moon. In fact, the new moon which you can not see will have the sun as companion and it should thus have a much greater effect on your emotions. Still, even around the three days where the moon is full you have to explain while you do not feel any different emotions during the day time. Only at night does not make sense?

Sunday 26 August 2012

Reasons to Buy an Electric Bike

Motorized electric bikes are sometimes also referred to as e-bikes. It is just like a bicycle but has an attached electric motor which is recharged by plugging it into an electrical outlet. They are very popular in China while relatively new in Europe and the United States. For cyclists who want a little help with climbing hills it is an ideal choice.

There are various reasons to buy an e-bike. They are an environmentally friendly modes of transportation and they do not require spending money on gasoline. Even a current bicycle can also be converted into an electric bike with the help of an electric conversion kit. It is the safest, cheapest and quickest option. You will no longer have to worry about the increasing price of fuel, where to park, or deal with traffic jams. They are suitable for people of all ages, including kids and older adults. The lack of gas prevent pollution ot the environment, but the bike is mobile enough to cruise around town in and can even prevent you from having to buy a car in big cities.
You may be asking yourself, how do I go about purchasing an electric bicycle? Well here are a few key points to consider before making your purchase.
1. Look for a light weight bike. If its weight is heavier then it is more difficult to pedal when the motor is not being used.
2. Before going to purchase an e-bike the purchaser must consider what type of motor to use. The speed of the bike depends on the power of motor.
3. An e-bike battery usually lasts between 12-30 miles. The battery power is drained considerably more when used for climbing hills, so keep that in mind. Pay attention to battery life when purchasing your bike.
4. The cost of an electric bike ranges from $200 to $3,500. So by considering the features of the bike you can purchase an electric bike which suits you the best.
5. The best and most important thing before buying an electric bike is to take one for a test ride. There are various models and manufacturers of e-bikes, with some of them being: Currie bicycles, Rayos, Ultra motor, Urban Mover Bikes, Prima Power bikes etc. with different features. Before buying an electric bike compare the features of different bikes and then purchase the one that suits you best.
Most of all, have fun riding your new bike!
Mikel writes articles on a whole range of topics. She loves to cruise around town on either her new electric bike or also on her favorite kick bike.

Saturday 25 August 2012

The Cost of Going to the Moon

solid propellent for rockets-perchloride
This newsletter installment is about rocket fuel that contaminates drinking water and what effect they have on your body.
He's A Rocket Man
The next stop on the train of water contamination is perchlorate. Commonly referred to as rocket fuel, perchlorate is used in the solid propellant of rockets, missiles, and fireworks. Really, nothing to top your morning Wheaties off better then some rocket fuel. Waste from the manufacturing and improper disposal of perchlorate is constantly being found in water and soil, and the occurrence of these findings has been steadily rising over the last few years. 26 out of 50 states have toxic levels of perchlorate in their public drinking water. Produce from these states also contains high levels of perchlorate, and some food, namely milk, lettuce, beef, and berries, are known to hold onto more perchlorate than other foods, so water isn't the only way to ingest this toxic chemical.
Recently, the California Protection Agency (EPA) pushed the government to come up with a legal limit on how much perchlorate would be tolerated in public drinking water. Although they finally succeeded in gaining an actual number, the number that was given was staggeringly different from what was expected. The legal limit, permitted now by law, has been set at 6 parts per billion. Sounds low, but tests performed by the National Academy of Sciences, and later, corroborated by the United States EPA, showed that the legal limit could be no higher than 1 parts per billion, and that anything higher was a health risk, especially for infants and fetuses. Tests prove this, while the defense industry claims that 6 parts per billion has absolutely no lasting effect on humans. However no tests were performed on their behalf to verify this.
Out of 70 chemicals for which public health goals have been set, perchlorate is one of four that has a safety factor of 10, versus the usual safety rating of 100 to 1000. As of now, only 8 states have health warnings for perchlorate in their drinking water. Massachusetts is jumping on the health train by requiring that their public water contain no more than 1 parts per billion of perchlorate, which many others are beginning to advocate as well.
Hormones for Everyone
Perchlorate in drinking water alters the production of thyroid hormones in the body. These hormones are essential for the proper development of fetuses in pregnant woman. Fetal and infant development can be impaired significantly, and even if mothers don't consume perchlorate-contaminated water while they are pregnant, it is still possible to pass perchlorate to their newborns through breast milk.
The hormone that the thyroid gland produces is also vital within adults. This hormone regulates the metabolism in the body, which dictates whether you gain or lose weight. People who suffer from obesity typically have problems with their thyroid glands, so without medical help, their health condition has little chance of improving. Depression, mood swings, mental health functions in general, are all linked to the thyroid gland and it's functioning.
Several defense contractors, including Boeing Aerojet, Kerr-McGee, Lockheed Martin, and McDonnell Douglas, are severally opposed to California's new regulatory levels on perchlorate. Such regulations would most likely force these companies to clean up perchlorate contaminations, and such actions would be very expensive. Cleaning up the Colorado River would cost several billions of dollars, and seeing as how 15 million Californians drink from this river, this cleanup seems rather urgent.
Help is on the Way
So many people have been exposed to this chemical that is it's imperative that you have tools to address the harmful chemicals that are fighting their way into your body at every given moment. Your best option is to help your body's defense team strike back.
There are numerous ways to pull heavy metals out of the human system. Some methods work for you and help support your body's health at the same time. The process of pulling heavy metal out of a human system is called "chelation" (key-LAY-shun). Silica is a natural chelator and there are special forms of microcluster® silica that are small enough to reach heavy metals. Ask your vitamin store for it.

Rocket Fuel in Your Tap Water? A Central Water Filtration System Can Help

Who does not want to enjoy pure water flowing through their taps on a daily basis? With recent headlines such as, "Drugs Found In Americans' Drinking Water" and "The EPA Won't Remove Rocket Fuel From Drinking Water," you can understand why there has been a proliferation of drinking water filters. The typical filters sold in supermarkets can provide purified water to a single tap or can be placed in a jug.
But did you know that through a central water filtration system also known as a whole house water filter, you can get pure water flowing through every water outlet in your home including your shower, washing machine, dishwasher and outside hose. A simple pitcher water filter is incapable of providing this type of coverage and in fairness, it was not built to do that.
Wholehouse purification systems are powerful and if you shop around, are also reasonably priced. What is great about many of these systems is that they are built to avoid constant maintenance or frequently replacement of the filters. Some of these system even cleans themselves in order to give you optimal performance.
CWFS (central water filtration system), filters out contaminants such as lead,rust and sediments that affect the taste, odor and color of water. But bear in mind that not all CWFS are created equal. According to their certification or rating, some central water filtration systems will remove more contaminants than others.
Manufacturers are supposed to provide details of who certified their filters and tests which indicate which contaminants their filters can remove. This report should mention an organization like the NSF, your state health department or a reputable independent lab, any of which are capable of testing filtration devices.
If you think about how pipes can get clogged due to hard water sediments and how sediments can destroy water heaters, then you realize just how important getting a whole house water filter is.
And what about the potential health hazard of the chlorine added to your drinking water? Did you know that chlorine can damage your hair and skin, not to mention increase the risk of cancer. Any central whole house filter system worth its salt will at least remove chlorine.
Aside from water safety issues, the use of a CWFS contributes significantly to a healthier, greener environment. A CWFS is a green solution that eliminates the use of bottled water at home and reduces the amount of plastic in our environment.
So seriously consider getting a central water filtration system and enjoy fully clean, tasty drinking water. Sorry, not just safer drinking water, but softer hair and skin and a healthier body. All this at a price that makes you think, you have to get one now.

Rocket Fuel Found in Baby Formula

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a study in March 2009 that stated the government agency has discovered that traces of a chemical, perchlorate, which is also used in rocket fuel, were found in 15 different brands of powdered baby formulas.
Perchlorate can form naturally, mostly in areas with light rainfall, but it is most often created through manufacturing and is used in rocket fuel, explosives, and fireworks. There are currently 36 known U.S. states that contain facilities that use percholate as part of their manufacturing process. The amounts discovered in the baby formula were of abnormally high levels and could pose a potential threat to the children ingesting the formula. The threat is heightened if the powdered formula is mixed with water also contaminated with perchlorate, which has been found in the drinking water supplies of many U.S. cities and in the ground water of 43 states.
Though it has yet to be proven, scientists speculate that high levels of perchlorate can cause thyroid problems. In an adult, thyroid issues can interfere with metabolism, but in a child, thyroid problems can severely affect brain development.
The amount of percholate found in powdered infant formula are highest in those that are cow's milk based, and scientists are unsure of how, or if, these elevated amounts of the chemicals will affect children. Because the effects of percholate are countered by iodine, and baby formula is by law required to contain iodine, the hazards may be insignificant. Recent studies have also shown that percholate is neither stored in the body nor metabolized, which means that the risks posed by the chemical may cease or even reverse once percholate is removed from the body. The American Thyroid Association has also recently suggested that the chemical may not be as harmful to adults or children as previously suspected, though research has shown that percholate can greatly inhibit the body's absorption of iodine, even in what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined to be acceptable doses. In response to some studies of percholate in drinking and groundwater, the EPA is now considering altering the limits of allowable amounts of percholate, though some states have already chosen to impose their own.

Drink Your Rocket Fuel?

A report released from the National Academy of Sciences in 2005 raises the safe allowable limits of rocket fuel pollution in drinking water by 20 times. The pollutant in rocket fuel is a chemical called perchlorate and environmentalists claim that no amount of it in drinking water or crops is acceptable. Everything is being pushed under the rug because no one knows how to get rid of it from the water supply. Environmentalists are accusing the government of not supporting safe drinking water.
The Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group claims perchlorate affects thyroid function and says the government as set no limits on how much is safe and other groups are loudly proclaiming that it could harm wild animals, fish stock, animal and birds in the food chain and pregnant women and their babies.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in the US sets guidelines for such things as contaminants found in drinking water. They were shocked to find that the National Academy of Sciences in their National Research Council report stated that people would be safe by drinking up to 0.0007 milligrams per kilogram of perchlorate without harm. This is 20 times the concentration suggested by the EPA.
The EPA produces risk assessment reports that try to keep populations safe. In their 2002 report, they suggest a safe dosage of 0.00003 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. This is essentially around 1 part per billion based on average body size and drinking water consumption.
Everyone seems to agree that perchlorate causes hypothyroidism and that it needs to be prevented but there is no clear support for a solution for removing it from the water supply. There is not enough evidence from any research that suggests this chemical could cause thyroid cancer.
The most alarming evidence from scientists is that perchlorate even at very low levels can harm babies health. They are shouting this evidence as loudly as they can as there are strong-arm tactics to shut up them up as politicians and bureaucrats try to bury their report. It is turning ugly politically.
Scientists are claiming that it is up to the government to protect the health of the population but it seems that the science is being skewed and the clean-up avoided. No one is accepting responsibility.
Apparently, perchlorate has been found in the drinking water in 35 states in concentrations as high as 4 parts per billion. In some areas it is even higher. It is estimated that more than 11 million people have water they should not even come in contact with.
It would be interesting to find out if people know their water is contaminated and whether they are taking it seriously. Since there are only 50 states in the union, there aren't many places left that don't have rocket fuel in the water. These days, the situation doesn't seem to be getting any better. Is there anywhere left where the water is even drinkable?

Top Tropical Rainforest Adventures-costa rica

Visiting a rainforest is a unique nature experience. During the day, these unique biomes burst with a busy buzz and bright flashes of colour. At night, the air comes alive with the shrieks and calls of the forest's many nocturnal creatures. Cicadas drone, bats flap beneath the canopy, a monkey howls in the distance.
Amidst all this natural beauty, it's important to tread lightly. Remember that rainforests today cover just six percent of the earth, yet they are home to an estimated 40 to 75 percent of all the world's plants and animals, including many still just being discovered. Sadly, despite efforts to protect them, many habitats are continue to be endangered by logging and over development.
Well-planned ecotourism is one key to rainforests' continued survival. It places value on preservation of nature as a commercial resource. Reputable tour outfits offer employment opportunities for locals as leaders and wildlife guides, enabling them to earn their money through sustainable and environmentally responsible forms of income. Travellers' passion for traditional culture encourages locals to continue ancient forest-friendly practices.
Before your next escape to the rainforest, do some research in advance. The right tour operator and a great local guide can help you spot wildlife and make the most of any adventure.
Get Up Close to the Real Rainforest in Corcovado, Costa Rica
Away from the crowds of much-visited Monteverde, another sort of park awaits visitors in Costa Rica. National Geographic once labelled Corcovado National Park as "the most biologically intense place on earth," and you'd be hard pressed to prove them wrong. Accessible via Puerto Jimenez along the Osa Penninsula, the 425-square-kilometre park is one of the last places to spot jaguars in Central America. It is also home to endangered species such as the Baird's tapir, Harpy eagle, ocelots and more. Staying overnight in the park is strongly recommended, possible in a basic, budget and rustic eco-lodge or one of several ranger stations.
Climb High in the Champasak Province of Laos
Well known for its collection of ancient Khmer ruins, Champasak Province of southern Laos contains a wealth of natural thrills in the form of beautiful jungles and raging waterfalls. Wildlife enthusiasts can try to spot rare and endangered species like yellow-cheeked gibbons, Asian elephants and Irrawaddy dolphins, while other adventures await thrill seekers who head high above the treetops. Two- and three-day zip line treks allow travellers to unleash their inner Tarzan in the canopy of this semi-evergreen forest.
Become Better Acquainted with the Jungle in Borneo
The tropical island of Borneo is home to some of the world's oldest rainforest. As a nature lover's paradise, it is also one of the last natural habitats for endangered animals such as the Bornean orangutan, Clouded leopard and several native bat species. Guided trips can be booked from cities such as Kota Kinabalu or Sandakan on the Malaysian side, or Banjarmasin on the Indonesia side. In addition to being thrilling, night-time jungle treks are probably the best way to spot nocturnal wildlife.
Encounter a City Lost in the Jungles of Colombia
The dense jungles that constitute Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains are the historic domain of the early Tayrona civilisation. Among the ancient chiefdom's best known archaeological sites is Ciudad Perdida (the "Lost City"), accessible via a six-day guided trek through a dense tropical forest. Hikers depart from Santa Marta, the city along Colombia's Caribbean coast. The trek includes lots of opportunities to learn about the area's indigenous people - descendants of the Tayrona - and plenty of time for spotting wildlife such as tapirs, deer and endemic hummingbirds.
Observe Life in the Amazing Amazon of Brazil
Capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas, the city of Manaus is a popular point of departure for ecotourists visiting the Amazon region. From this gateway city, visitors can easily arrange regional cruises that visit remote communities along the Amazon River or schedule boat transfers to jungle lodges and resorts with river-view bungalows. The Brazilian Amazon famously encompasses 33 percent of all the world's surviving tropical rainforests and its biodiversity is unparalleled. One in five of the world's fish species is found in its waters, while the jungle itself boasts 2.5 million recorded insect species and is home to a wide collection of endangered animals like spider monkeys, jaguars and poison dart frogs. Enjoy the best of the river and the surrounding rainforest.
Revel in the Natural Beauty of Rwanda's Nyungwe Forest
Extending for over 1,000 kilometres, Rwanda's Nyungwe National Park is the largest protected area of high-altitude montane rainforest in Africa. Nestled in the heart of one of the continent's most biodiverse regions - the Albertine Rift - Nyungwe boasts an exotic collection of rare orchids and endemic birds, as well as a large concentration of primates. Anyone looking to track chimps, however, will need to spend some time here. For the best chance at sighting mankind's closest relative, consider booking a guided trip in the forests of Nyungwe.
To learn more about about jungle adventures on The Travel Word, read about travellers' hiking and trekking experiences in some of the planet's most exciting jungles.

Top Ten Majestic Places to Visit in Asia

Asia is probably one of the most enigmatic continents in the world. Not only is it rich in very diverse cultures, but it is also rich in history. You will never run out of wonderful places to visit in this wonderful and mysterious continent.
1.) Indonessia's Breathtaking Bali
Bali is one of the very beautiful places to go to once you are in Indonesia. Do not miss out on Batubulan Village, famous for sculptures made out of fine stone. Get to enjoy Bali's culture like the Barong Dance and enjoy the beautiful crafts of its goldsmiths and silversmiths.
2.) Exotic India
If India is in your Asia tour itinerary, then you will never regret it if you went on one of those boat rides in the Ganges River. Get to see, too, the devout citizens of India while they pray and bathe on the sacred waters of the Ghats. If you want to see their temples, then the Khajuraho Temples is for you, an architectural wonder
3.) The Wonderful Side of Pakistan
Pakistan, although an intimidating country, has a lot of sceneries that tourists will love. Get to see a majestic view of the Himalayan Mountains and the Monkial Ranges. If you want to know more about Pakistan's culture and people, then the Swat Museum is a must place for you to visit.
4.) Buddhas of Bangkok
There are a lot of statues of Buddha that you can see in Bangkok, and one of the temples tourist flock to is the Reclining Buddha Temple. You must also visit the Erawan Shrine as well as the Snake Farm of Bangkok that is located near the shrine. For a more modern tour, visit the Safari World and Bangkok's Pattaya and Coral Island.
5.) What Vietnam has to Offer
Vietnam is now one of the favorite destinations of tourists. Tourists love exploring the city on their own and tasting the different food Vietnam has to offer. There are also cruises that a tourist can enjoy like the cruises along the Mekong River, and they also get to visit the smaller islands to taste the wonderful fruits Vietnam has.
6.) Unforgettable Katmandu
Another unique place to visit is the Katmandu where you will get to know more about its culture and people by strolling in the Katmandu Durbar Square. Do not forget to visit, too, the Buddhanikantha Temple, another one of its famous tourist destinations. You can also go to Pashupatinath Temple.
7.) Big China
You cannot tour all of China in a week, but here are some of the top places to visit in China. The Yangtze River Cruise is one of the favorites of not only the tourists but the local citizens as well, and in this tour, one gets to have a closer communion with nature. The other places that you must not forget visiting is the Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City as well as the Temple of Heaven.
8.) Delightful Turkey
Turkey is one country you should not fail to visit. There are a lot of museums you can visit like the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. You can also visit famous archeological sites like Pamukkale's Hierapolis as well as famous mosques like the Blue Mosque.
9.) Enjoying Japan
Get to experience both old and new Japan in your Asian tour. Visit the wonderful and exciting City of Tokyo, a big contrast to Japan's mountain villages where the old culture is still palpable. Also, get to know more about its people and culture by visiting the temples, shrines and palaces of Japan.
10.) Modern Singapore
Singapore is one of the world's business regions. Also, this is famous for being one of the major shopping centers in Asia and is rightfully called Shopper's Paradise. Its stores' competitive prices as well as air-conditioned malls are one of the favorite places tourists go to.