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Wednesday 29 August 2012

6 Tips To Help You Stop Sweating Too Much

too much sweat

Loads of people dread the hotter weather simply because it turns us into large sweat-making machines. However on those sweltering days you'll be glad that you do have those sweat glands as they help cool down our bodies.
The problem is that for some the benefits of sweating are lost when the sweat takes on a foul odor. Also some people produce so much sweat it can make them look as if they've just been to a wet t-shirt contest. So what should you do in these circumstances?
When is Sweating Bad?
We need to sweat in order to cool down, think of it as our own built-in cooling system. As our temperature rises, pores open and our sweat glands kick into action. This is a good thing and is what our bodies are supposed to do. This way we can stay at the optimal body temperature.
So, when is sweating a bad thing? If it's below freezing and you feel like you're trekking across the Sahara Desert or you feel like you're drowning in your own sweat. Another thing to look out for is crystals forming in your sweat.
Also be on the watch from odor. Sweat shouldn't smell bad, it should only be quite faint and pleasant. If you smell so bad that even a vampire would run, then check with your doctor. These problems are signals that your body isn't functioning correctly so you'll want to find out what's causing it.
Although we tend to think of profuse sweating as "just one of those things", it can actually be a signal of an over active thyroid, heart disease or even TB. You will obviously want these conditions looked at.
Ways to Control Over-active Sweat Glands
If you sweat a lot but don't have any of the above symptoms, or if you've been to the doctor and have been told you're perfectly healthy, here are a few tips you can try.
1. Have a bath or shower every day and keep away from strongly scented soaps and cleansers.
2. Once you have cleaned yourself make sure you dry off thoroughly. Bad odor is caused bacteria and bacteria love moist and warm conditions.
3. Wear natural materials such as cotton rather then synthetic. Cotton helps pull moisture from your skin.
4. Use cotton sheets on your bed if you overheat at night. Also, try turning down your furnace when you go to sleep.
5. Put on an antiperspirant daily. Ideally one with tea tree or witch hazel as these are both naturally antiseptic.
#6 RELAX! Stress can trigger the sweat glands to start working in over time.
Always remember that sweating is totally normal and is required to keep at the correct temperature. It is also one way to get rid of toxins from the body. With over 3 million sweat glands, it is impossible to stop it from happening but by doing a few things like the ones listed above, it will no longer be an unbearable situation.

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